Diskussion über Themen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) in/mit Westafrika einschließlich (und vor allem) der politischen sowie sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen in den Ländern und was EZ bewirken kann -- oder auch nicht -- oder ob sie aber nicht sogar schadet. ACHTUNG: In Ermangelung von Kommentaren lediglich Beiträge zu EZ-Themen. _________________________________________________________________

29. September 2009

Why Europe needs Africa

In einem Beitrag für die Washington Post vom 21.09.2009 Why the U.S. needs Africa schreibt der ruandische Präsident Paul Kagame, der Anfang Oktober nach Deutschland kommt, u.a.

"It is no longer enough for the United States to work for Africa based on pity; the United States must work with Africa to build both our economies and improve the lives of all of our people. The United States has long supported assistance to Africa. The United States must recognize that Africa is now in a position to be of assistance to the United States. It is time to acknowledge our mutual reliance with clear actions. Yes -- Africa must improve its governance institutions and embrace private-sector development. We appreciate the African Growth Opportunity Act and acknowledge that Africa has not fulfilled its potential; African countries should take responsibility for shortfalls in their efforts and take greater advantage of opportunities under this act.
Meanwhile, the United States should increase financing to U.S. companies wishing to do business in Africa through key financial institutions such as Export-Import Bank of the United States and the Overseas Private Investment Corp. The United States has committed less to African markets than the emerging economies of Asia have; China guarantees nearly 30 times more in loans for investment in Africa than the United States does. Africa's needs are so great that there is ample room for both U.S. and Chinese investment. Increased U.S. investment in Africa would translate into more opportunities for U.S. companies, with high potential for profit flowing back to the U.S. economy."

Ersetzen wir United States durch Europa, dann stimmt es auch. Weg von Pity! Partnerschaft! Gleiche Augenhöhe! Ende des Trendsports Afrika-Ausbeutung! Da sind wir wieder bei meinem Lieblingsthema: Eine >> Exit-Strategy* ist dringlicher denn je!
* im Artikel ab Seite 43

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