Diskussion über Themen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ) in/mit Westafrika einschließlich (und vor allem) der politischen sowie sozio-ökonomischen Bedingungen in den Ländern und was EZ bewirken kann -- oder auch nicht -- oder ob sie aber nicht sogar schadet. ACHTUNG: In Ermangelung von Kommentaren lediglich Beiträge zu EZ-Themen. _________________________________________________________________

12. Oktober 2009

Is Ghana Becoming A Neo-Colonial State?

Das frage ich mich auch schon lange (und das gilt nicht nur für Ghana). Zum Glück stellt diese Frage aber ein Ghanaer, der übrigens schon älter ist und die letzten Tage der Kolonialzeit noch aus eigener Anschauung kennt. Einige Auszüge aus seinem Featrure-Artikel im Daily Graphic, der größten Tageszeitung Ghanas, vom 12.10.2009:

"The question may take many aback. But on reflection even the small minority who bask in the comforts of foreign largesse would feel a little uncomfortable at their subservience to foreign minor officials. (...)
As I settled down to put these thoughts to paper, a Member of Parliament was commenting on the rehabilitation of Makola market at Ga-Mashi. He said ‘preliminary plans were ready and approach would be made to foreign investors’. I felt salt. 'Can’t we think of doing something for ourselves'? I said to myself. The mind-set should be saved from gathering more cobwebs.Ghana is not a poor un-influential country which must beg to survive. (...)
I was informed that when an ambassador or High Commissioner of a donor country wanted to contact the President, she or he takes the handbag or briefcase and storms into the castle. The envoy walks in when he or she likes. (...)
In so far as we plan our budget expecting subsidy from outside, we would be on the road to neo-colonialist status. Should we mobilise the public to work and suffer a little for a brighter future? Or should we ride in four-wheeled air-conditioned cars and stay in 10-star hotels while those who know the state of our backyard laugh at us?

There is something in pride. Self-reliance breeds confidence. Let us resolve to live within our means while we build the country. Others cannot do it for us. We alone can do it. We resort to the begging bowl and high commissioners of my son’s age will treat us as scum."

Thank you, Mr. K.B. Asante!

>> zum vollen Artikel im Daily Graphic

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